We specialize in designing enhanced primary market research solutions by drawing on our patient reported outcomes experience.

     We provide custom solutions in the following three areas:
    -   Primary Market Research / qualitative and quantitative    
    -   Health Economics & Outcomes Research / Burden-of-illness studies
    -   Ad Hoc Consulting for incremental support with design, execution, analytics and/or
    We deliver global research expertise, design and support to gather intelligence and   
      uncover the insights needed to develop and refine marketing strategies throughout all
      stages of the product life cycle.
    We are especially adept at solving quantitative challenges; using proven methods when appropriate, untraditional methods when 
      warranted, and imaginative approaches from outside health care as needed.
Primary Market Research
One Research offers a comprehensive array of advanced study methods supported by people with deep experience in each.  We often introduce and cross-pollinate health economics and outcomes methods into market research initiatives to help us uncover patterns and discover new insights.  As such, our clients receive solid solutions customized to their specific need. 
Our reach is global, enabling us to collect data from physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals, as well as patients and adult caregivers, in most countries and emerging markets around the globe. 
We provide customized research to support...
  • Market Exploration
  • Identifying gaps and needs
  • Forecasting & market sizing
  • Segmentation
  • Patient-reported outcomes
  • Evaluate concepts
  • Choice modeling
  • Pricing
  • Product placements
  • Position and branding
  • Naming & logo testing
  • Message & ad testing
  • Brand equity tracking
  • Awareness, trial, usage
  • Customer loyalty
Health Economics & Outcomes

Outcomes research examines the end results of medical care – the effect of the health care process on the health and well-being of patients and populations.  Understanding treatment patterns, patient product usage, and the associated costs (both real and perceived) can be instrumental in refining marketing strategies.  


One Research obtains this information directly from patients by employing retrospective and prospective studies, chart reviews, and combinations of each.  Through examining patients’ functional status, well-being and satisfaction with treatment, we identify which medical treatments work best and for whom. 


We design research to deliver valuable intelligence that helps inform new product planning and the launch of new indications.  We help our clients develop strategies to better serve their customers and improve care.


Ad Hoc Consulting
One Research knows not all client projects require comprehensive support from external resources.   At times, study parameters and our clients’ available internal resources need only incremental support. 
As such, we provide ad hoc consulting services to fill those gaps of incremental need, saving our clients time and budget.
Our experts are available for consultation on all aspects of market research execution at any point on the continuum, including presentations.
  • Study Design
       - Outline optimal study methods
       - Develop survey questionnaires
       - Create qualitative discussion guides
       - Determine appropriate sample plan
       - Manage recruitment and data collection
  • Data Analytics and Interpretation
       - Provide statistical analysis
       - Model building
       - Workshops with client team(s)
  • Report Development and Presentation
       - Draft written reports
       - Create conference/congress posters
       - Write abstracts
       - Provide live presentations